The time for solar is now

Here at Solar Pro, we thrive on providing innovative solutions to our customers

Generate your own solar energy and obtain energy dependability

Our team of solar roof experts are here to help you save BIG! Our job is to provide the perfect solution based on your financial goals

Our approach to reach your business goals



We offer maximum expertise and the leading material in the market


Financial Gain

Generate your own energy and save. Take advantage of the solar incentives to achieve a quick return on investment (ROI)


Eco Friendly

Environmental - Produce trusted clean energy and reduce your carbon footprint

Our Services


A skilled solar technician will provide you with a custom photovoltaic (PV) solar system design, proposal and advice...


With a large portfolio of solar-powered, commercial clients, Solar Pro has a proven track record in providing customized...


These systems can last for decades and provide your home with an abundant source of energy, but panels can lose efficiency...

We can help you calculate financing!

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